Sunday 21 September 2008

Here we go again!

Just in case anyone didn’t understand

It’s a shame, but a recent communication has led to my believing that not everyone reading actually understands what I’m saying, or is deliberately quoting me out of context. It doesn’t really matter, I have long since stopped caring what peop
le think of me. But those who seek to spread disinformation, are not doing anyone any favours.

In my last post I mentioned the mess this country is in, and of that there can be no doubt whatsoever. I also mentioned that I believe we are running out of time, and that the only realistic alternative to the Zionist “mainstream” is the BNP

I meant what I wrote then and still do, but that doesn’t mean that I’ve had some kind of road to Damascus change of ideology. First and foremost I will always be fundamentally National Socialist, politically I am still White Nationalist as I believe that to be the modern version of NS. What I don’t believe is that the people of this nation are even remotely ready for a hardcore White Nationalist government, that will not happen in any of our lifetimes. So what are we supposed to do? We are so small in numbers that there is zero chance of us ever ceasing power by force, yes it is possible to get a nice little team together, but a few hundred people will never be enough. Just look at any football match on the television, or even attend one. There are hundreds of thousands of mainly white people attending football matches every week, wouldn’t it be great if we could get those sort of numbers? Or maybe the kind of numbers Oswald Mosley’s  BUF used to attract? Unfortunately society has demonised us to the point that our own people actually fear us, what is the good of that? We have to try and get the masses on our side, not just the voters, but police officers and members of the armed services.

If my predictions are correct, then there will be a general election some time in 2009, and we have nowhere near enough time to build anything even remotely ready top take on the main establishment parties. Therefore we have two choices, we either help maintain the Zionist grip on British politics, or we all get behind the British National Party and give the ZOG a right bloody nose. I don’t see the BNP taking power next year, but I do believe they will get people elected into the House of Commons and the European Parliament. 

Let us give them a chance and see what they do, I for one have no intention of getting involved with anyone or anything that could or might jeopardise their chances.

The time for raking over the old coals is after the elections, when the dust has settled.